New York Conversation
Dealer: "Do you think being young and good looking has anything to do with the success of an artist?"
Artist: "It shouldn't. For an actor or ballet dancer, maybe, but a painter isn't always going to be standing next to his work while it's being evaluated."
Dealer: "You're not a bad looking man. Are you saying this because deep in your heart you wonder if you could have been just a little better looking, you could have made it?"
Artist: "I'm saying it because it's true, unless you've found a way to graft an artist to a canvas as a permanent sex object."
Introducing AVATAR agency
A Visual Artist’s Temporary Actor Replacement Agency
Most visual artists are comfortable spending time alone, occupied with solitary pursuits. It may come as a shock when they realize that a large component of what is required to have an art career is going to events and making a good impression, being the kind of social animal artists are vocationally not suited to be.
Most actors, on the other hand, thrive in any situation that requires them to perform socially but often have few opportunities to practice their craft.
For the first time in the history of the contemporary art world, a solution is being offered to this paradox.
AVATAR Agency offers the services of young, talented and socially adept actors as stand-ins (or “avatars”) for visual artists at the openings and art events that require you to make your best impression.
Founded by visual artist, Adam Simon (Four Walls, Fine Art Adoption Network) and theatre director, Marianne Weems (the Builders Association),
AVATAR will make its first public presentation at Momenta Art, 359 Bedford Avenue, Williamsburg, Brooklyn, between south 4th and south 5th streets on December 11, at 7:00 p.m.
The evening will include presentations of past precedents, theatrical renditions of sample situations and discussion with the audience.