Saturday, September 22, 2007

Review Zoe Sheehan Saldana and Tom Moody at artMovingProjects

At artMovingProjects (166 North 12th Street), conceptual artist and prankster Zoe Sheehan Saldana demonstrates the steps it takes to create a counterfeit pack of American Spirit cigarettes, Beginning with the growing organic tobacco, through drying, shredding, and rolling cigarettes, then packing them and even creating a believable seal, she completes her art process by planting the pack of home made fags in a Brooklyn Bodega. Buyer beware.

Tom Moody’s art is his blog, which changes according to the whim of the artist and is displayed on a computer terminal in the gallery. “This is an experiment in total freedom,”
say’s the artist. While a recent visit to the gallery revealed anti-Bush sentiments and scrawlings, today’s visit exhibited a more gestalt, a pulsating horizontally striped image that recalls the work of Kenneth Noland, but was according to his blog, a remix of work by Oliver Laric.

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